Monthly Traffic
What do web hosting providers mean by saying ?monthly traffic??
The monthly traffic feature, that’s at times also identified as bandwidth or data transfer, refers to the total volume of data which is uploaded to your cloud website hosting account and downloaded from it every month. Your traffic is generated mainly by website visits - every time someone comes across your site, the web pages they view are downloaded from the website hosting server to their machine or mobile device and they are shown by the web browser. What counts for the web site traffic generated is the overall size of these web pages, hence the more website visitors you have for some period of time, the more site traffic will be produced. In addition to the web site visits, file uploads are also counted towards the total monthly transfer i.e. whenever you upload website content or any other files with a file manager or an FTP program, they will also generate some site traffic. The counter resets on the very first day of each month and it's not related to the date you have signed up or the date you have renewed your web hosting package.
Monthly Traffic in Cloud Website Hosting
The monthly website traffic quota for our cloud website hosting packages is sufficient for every website. If you have a personal blog, a discussion forum or electronic commerce portal, what amount of information will be transferred to and from your account or getting to some modest quota restriction won't be a cause for your sites to be inaccessible. We also offer you comprehensive site traffic statistics, therefore you will be able to monitor the amount of data is being downloaded at any time. The monthly, daily and hourly statistics will inform you on how your web sites are performing, what kind of files generate most of the website traffic plus a lot more important info which can help you control the websites plus the account altogether. The statistics can be reached with just a few mouse-clicks from your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel.