Should you ever encounter a problem with your website and be unable to tackle it, ask the respective hosting provider’s customer service team to help you bring the site back online. A quick resolution would be the perfect scenario, but a lot of companies respond within 24 hours or even more, especially if you are doing business with a reseller. Even if your problem can be resolved easily, your website may not function correctly or may not be available whatsoever for a longer time period, so you may lose potential clients because it is highly unlikely that anyone will eagerly go back to a website that is inoperational. That is why, you should make sure not only that you can reach your hosting provider, but also that they can answer and assist you in a timely fashion. If a web app update does not proceed as planned or you delete something accidentally, for example, the website should be fixed swiftly in order to avoid prolonged unreachability.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Website Hosting

With a cloud website hosting from our company, you can just forget about waiting for hours and hours, or even one whole day, to receive an answer to an e-mail or a technical support ticket. No matter when you get in touch with us, we will lend you a helping hand within less than one hour with any sales and technical questions you might have. The fact is, our actual reply time almost never exceeds 20 to 30 minutes. Since we’re at your service 24x7x365, you’ll always get support in a well-timed manner and we know how vital this is in the electronic age. Shortly after you contact us, we will reply to your queries. In case you stumble upon any technical problem, we will deal with it for you, or we’ll provide you with all the necessary information in case there is something that you need to do yourself.