Varnish is a content caching platform, which is occasionally called an HTTP reverse proxy. It’s a web accelerator tool that can improve the loading speed of a website by up to 1000%, depending on its content. Anytime a visitor opens any page on a website that uses Varnish, the platform caches the page and delivers it instead of the web server when the visitor accesses it again. In this way, the browser request from the visitor is not handled by the web server and the page will open much faster, as Varnish can serve content many times faster than any server software. The end result is a significantly faster loading website, which leads to a much-improved website browsing experience. If any of the cached web pages is updated on the live Internet site, the info that Varnish caches in its system memory is updated too, so the visitors will not end up seeing old content.

Varnish in Cloud Website Hosting

In case you host your sites in a cloud website hosting account with us, you will be able to add Varnish with a couple of clicks of the mouse through your Control Panel. The data caching platform comes as an upgrade with all our hosting plans and you can choose the number of the sites that will use it and the maximum amount of system memory that will be used for the cached data. The two features that can be upgraded in the Upgrades section of the Control Panel are the number of instances and the amount of system memory and they’re not directly linked to each other, so you can choose if you want plenty of memory for one large-size site or less memory for multiple smaller ones. You can take advantage of the full potential of the Varnish caching platform in case the websites use a dedicated IP. With the Control Panel, you can quickly start/restart/terminate an instance, delete the cached data independently for each website that uses Varnish or view a detailed log file.